Is there already a subscription box like mine?

blog getting started Mar 28, 2024

How to determine if there is room for your subscription box, even if there are already others like it.


One question I get a lot from people who want to start a subscription box is, “But what if there’s already a subscription box like mine?” 

I’ve seen members of my subscription box coaching membership Launch Your Box freeze when they discover there’s another box out there similar to theirs.



I get it. 

You spend time dreaming about your subscription box, imagining how much your ideal customer is going to love it. You research products for your soon-to-be subscription box and of course, start designing the custom packaging you’ll order once you’re making enough of a profit. 

Then you come across an ad for a subscription box and it’s very similar to yours. Or you’re in a Facebook Group or membership like Launch Your Box and you see someone else is planning - or, worse already launched - a subscription box similar to yours. 

What should you do? Should you abandon your subscription box idea? Do you need to pivot and do something different? Or should you keep going? 

Let’s talk about it.


Your subscription box has something no other subscription box has.

I have a theory that if you buy a blue car, you’ll suddenly start seeing blue cars everywhere you look. It seems like everyone else is driving a blue car, too, and the car you were so excited about starts to feel a little less special. 

The same thing happens when you get an idea for a subscription box. 

You spend so much time thinking about your idea that you start seeing subscription boxes and things related to subscription boxes everywhere you look. 

And once you start researching ideas for your box, you’ll be targeted for online ads. Suddenly, it will seem like boxes “just like” the one you’re planning will be all over your feed. 




The truth? 

Just like other people aren’t noticing all the blue cars on the road, they’re not seeing all the information about those other subscription boxes either. 

Your blue car is special for the same reason your subscription box is special. It’s yours. 

One of my favorite parts of being a subscription box owner is having the chance to curate an experience for my subscribers every month. I put a lot of ME into every box, my knowledge of and connection with my subscribers, my special touches.

Are there other monogram subscription boxes out there? Yes. But there’s not another monogram subscription box just like mine. Because it’s mine. Done my way, especially for my subscribers. And they love it… every month.


Focus on community over competition.  

I talk a lot about the importance of mindset. Your mindset can be the difference between launching a successful subscription box and finding yourself stuck and unable to take action. 

One of the most important mindset beliefs for subscription box owners is that of abundance. 

An abundance mindset simply means believing there is enough business for everyone. And in the case of the subscription box industry, believing there are enough customers for everyone. 

Yes, that includes people who may have the same target audience. 

You bring your unique point of view, your passion and experience, and your creativity to your subscription box. You work hard to attract and engage with your audience. In this blog post, I share great tips on creating connections online.



It doesn’t matter if someone else has a subscription box similar to yours. It truly doesn’t. Don’t let yourself get discouraged or, worse yet, stop before you get started, because someone else had what sounds like the same idea. 

Inside Launch Your Box, we talk about community over competition. It’s a choice to see ourselves as a community, rather than competitors. And community is what we stand for. 

It might surprise you to know that inside Launch Your Box there are members who have boxes similar to mine. And every day, I help them grow their subscription businesses and make them stronger.



There are members inside Launch Your Box who have established, successful subscription boxes and extend themselves to help newer members whose boxes are very similar to theirs. 

Why would we do that? 

Helping, encouraging, and supporting are obvious choices when you choose to see community, not competition. There is enough business for all of us and room for all of us to succeed. 

Do you believe in abundance? 

Mindset is so important at every stage of subscription box ownership. Check out this blog post for my top five mindset beliefs for subscription box success.



Believe there is room for your box.

It’s so important that you believe in yourself. Believe that YOU have something special to bring to your ideal customer. Something that makes your subscription box different from others that may seem similar. 

Bring your energy, your story, and your ability to connect with and nurture your audience. Remember, no one else can do that like you can. 

So is there room in the market for your subscription box? Absolutely!

Learn from me:

  • Subscription Box Blueprint eBook: This $10 ebook covers logistics from product selection to packaging to shipping. Plus a 90-day launch plan and bonus ‘Instant Scripts’ for your social media.
  • Launch Your Box: My complete training program that walks you step by step through how to start, launch, and grow your subscription box business.
  • Launch Your Box Podcast: I share tons of practical tips and strategies to help you start, launch, and grow your subscription box business. You’ll also hear from industry experts and current Launch Your Box members who are crushing it - get ready to get inspired!
  • One Box at a Time: Inside my book One Box at a Time, I show you the steps you need to follow to start and launch your subscription box. To turn your dream into reality. This book is filled with proven teachings, valuable resources, best practices, and action steps for you to take.


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